Thursday, August 27, 2020

Business Ethics (grapes Essay Example For Students

Business Ethics (grapes Essay Business Ethics Essay Business morals are an ethical code that individuals leading any kind of business should feel decently committed to follow. Individuals are unquestionably ethically dependable to follow a code of morals and ought to never swindle one another. Portions of this code of morals ought to be genuineness, honesty, loyalty, good cause, duty, and self-restraint. Those morals ought to apply both to an individual purchasing something, and an individual selling something. I dont accept that an individual ought to be compelled to follow the proviso emptor strategy, on the premise that it is unjustifiable and out of line both to the purchaser and dealer. In the event that you are a moral individual, you ought not need to caution individuals to be careful. An individual selling something is ethically committed to educate the buyer regarding a few things: the estimation of the vehicle at cost, dependability to the customer, and have the option to respond to any inquiries truly, with no hold-backs. In The Grapes of Wrath, clearly the vehicle vendor was not moral by any stretch of the imagination. For instance, they used to constrain ladies into enjoying explicit vehicles, so the spouse would need to feel compelled to purchase the vehicle to intrigue their sweethearts/wives. Another model is the means by which the vehicle seller used to place lousy parts into the vehicles and sell them, realizing that the vehicle would stall 5 miles not far off. He exploited the people groups need to escape Oklahoma for his very own benefit. Additionally, the purchaser has a specific obligation as well. They have to make a point to not totally trust the merchant, in light of the fact that not every person is moral. They ought to analyze the products cautiously, pose taught inquiries, and set out to find out about the subject before feeling free to purchase something. For instance, in The Grapes of Wrath, the vehicle seller had the option to exploit the individuals since he can see the crude need on their appearances, and how they didnt truly request that anything make him give them a superior arrangement. Along these lines, the individuals didnt do their piece of being moral purchasers to get the best and most legitimate arrangement. The promoter additionally has a major obligation as well, to be straightforward in the advertisements. For instance, in The Grapes of Wrath, the vehicle sales center promoted a decent vehicle at a modest cost, yet they never sold that vehicle. They misled the individuals who needed to purchase that vehicle, saying that it had quite recently been sold. They exploited the people groups naivete, and that is extremely off-base. Those vehicle sellers were certainly unscrupulous, exploiting individuals in light of the fact that the interest was more prominent than the flexibly, they took advantage of the chance to remove individuals from their well deserved cash. .

Saturday, August 22, 2020

A grace became a curse Essay --

For as far back as three years, the worldwide economy has realized an extreme downturn activated by the money related emergency and the breakdown of the business and mechanical action on the planet. This log jam gauged its consequences for the development of economies around the world. Algeria, which isn't completely coordinated into the global economy, is confronting or will most likely face some roundabout impacts of this emergency, however in a way less extreme than in Europe; The installment of the obligation by expectation, the constitution of a save finance and, most importantly, the high instability of oil’s costs have permitted Algeria, for the time being, to maintain a strategic distance from a disastrous situation which could wreck the nation. Algeria has all the material and human potential to be a vital nation for advancement in the Euro-Mediterranean and the Arab-African regions. Tragically, Algeria is a nation that relies upon 96% of oil incomes. This dubious bus iness which is prisoner of numerous externalities, can crumple whenever and drive the entire district into an absolute disarray. The absence of expansion in the Algerian’s economy is making its future questionable and its way of life subsiding. Regardless of the seriousness of its belongings and the degree of its harms, this emergency can be an open door for Algeria to scrutinize the matchless quality of its economy. It presents the chance to fix the economy by the execution of significant basic changes which would create genuine consequences for the economy and on the work in the long haul, and to reconsider a model of advancement for an effective and genuine progress to the market economy; manufacture a development which is discharged from the reliance to hydrocarbons and from the unpredictability of their costs to at long last delete political framework based up to this point e... ...ple where a youngster never contemplated, doesn’t have any aptitudes and relies upon his folks, when he loses them; he winds up without any prospects to get by and understands that he invested his childhood for his future. The Algerian’s economy is very debilitated by the annuitant status. This defenselessness is the link of the low enhancement of the economy, yet in addition stagnation and decrease. Incomes from oil incomes are adequate to keep it in a static state. Stagnation triumph without sharing. Other financial areas without clear arrangements and methodologies without characterized. Monetary entertainers are incapacitated by intangibility or nonattendance of long haul programs, their irregularity and absence of arranging and vision for what's to come. The State appears to be like never before an adherent of the annuity, in any case, in opposition to profitable venture and any financial practicality

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Gifts of a Car Accident

The Gifts of a Car Accident Ignoring Messages A couple of weeks ago, three friends asked me for life coaching one after the other. It was an unusual string of requests, coming years after I completed my life coach training; and it made me think that maybe I should consider taking on a couple of life coaching clients to insert variety and heart-centered work into my business. I coached the friends who asked; the coaching gave them clarity and inspiration. I was left energized and clear that I was making a contribution not only to them, but to the many people that they touch. I was in my element. Yet I didn’t take any further action. Wake-Up Call If you read my newsletter last week, you know that I was in a car accident on April 28. I was traveling home from a weekend about Purposeful Living and Spiritual Development â€" part of a year-long training where I get to immerse myself in the world of coaching and transformation. Driving on I90 from Chicago to Madison, I must have missed a signal that my lane was going to end. To avoid hitting a car to my right, I braked (hard I imagine), spun around and crashed into the dividing wall of the highway at a speed unknown to me. I did not hit any other cars. It was all very movie-like, with the EMTs coming and taking me out of the car onto a stretcher. Fortunately, the only casualties were a couple of my ribs (broken through) and a totaled car. I was able to go home that night from the hospital. It is clear to me that things could have been much much worse. Ever since, I have been reflecting deeply on the gifts of the “accident.” First, noticing how blessed I am to have emerged with relatively minor injuries. Second, acknowledging the difference I make for others. And third, tapping into the gift of ribs: creation/creativity (Adam’s rib) and expansion (breath). My broken ribs, the casualties of a moment of inattention, indicate to me that I have not been truly listening to some messages calling me to expand in new and creative ways. New Action, New Creation Remember all those messages coming to me about doing life coaching? It’s time to pay attention. I am a highly trained coach. I have gone through 5 weekends of training with the Coaches Training Institute and assisted at all of those weekends as well. I’ve participated in courses with Landmark Education for 7 years, including The Landmark Forum, The Advanced Course, The Self-Expression and Leadership Program, the Introduction Leaders Program, and multiple seminar series. I have started a business and participated in business coaching for the past two years, and I write resumes for top level executives. I have spent my last 7 years preparing for this moment when I step up to the plate to do life coaching for real. The accident made that very clear, and I am grateful. I was also inspired to write some short couplets to a song/rap structure provided during my Purposeful Living weekend. I’ve copied them here and hope they inspire you to live into your creativity too! Note: “CHOOSE it” means choose between living powerfully and being a victim. “SHARE it” means share with as many people as possible! When a universal call Sends you crashing through a wall, …then you gotta CHOOSE it… …then you gotta CHOOSE it… When youre feeling pain and fright That keep you up at night, …then you gotta CHOOSE it… …then you gotta CHOOSE it… When youre at a loss for words, Take a listen to the birds. …then you gotta SHARE it… …then you gotta SHARE it… When the morning comes about, Just breathe in and then breathe out. …then you gotta SHARE it… …then you gotta SHARE it… You dont know what you dont know. So create, expand and grow! …then you gotta SHARE it… …then you gotta SHARE it… What couplets might you write to this song? What signals in your life have you been noticing and then ignoring? Are there actions for you to take? Please share in the comments. And of course if you’re seeking a life coach, please contact me. Short-term or long-term clients are welcome. I’m ready.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Firm credit ratings - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1605 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? While corporate governance can affect a companys creditworthiness and equity attractiveness, the score does not itself express an opinion about a companys credit quality or share valuation (Standard Poors 2002, p. 5). Thus, while it is clear that SP views a firms corporate governance as an important input into its assessment of a firms creditworthiness, the quality of corporate governance is not a sufficient statistic for determining a firms credit rating. Moreover, which elements of governance are most important in assessing firms creditworthiness is very much an open question. Firm credit ratings are determined by rating agencies assessment of the probability distribution of future cash flows to bondholders, which in turn, depends on the future cash flows to the firm. Under the assumption of normality, this reduces to estimating the mean and variance of a firms future cash flows. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Firm credit ratings" essay for you Create order A firms creditworthiness is determined by assessing the likelihood that its future cash flows will be sufficient to cover debt service costs and principal payments. As the mean of the future cash flow distribution shifts downward or the variance of future cash flows increases, the likelihood of default increases and the firms credit rating will decline. Within the Jensen and Meckling (1976) agency theory framework, governance features impact credit ratings by controlling agency costs that result from conflicts between managers and all stakeholders as well as between bondholders and shareholders. Many of the governance features we examine are designed to reduce the agency conflict between managers and all stakeholders. Governance mechanisms that provide independent monitoring of management promote effective managerial decision making that increases firm value (e.g., investing in positive NPV projects) and guard against opportunistic management behaviour that decreases firm value (e.g., over-consumption of perks, overcompensation, shirking and over-investing). Governance mechanisms promoting better managerial decision making and limiting opportunistic behaviour benefit all stakeholders. We posit that if governance is weak, the firms distribution of future cash flows will shift to the left relative to what it would be with effective go vernance. This increases the likelihood of default resulting in a lower credit rating. Shareholder and bondholder interests are generally aligned when better monitoring of management occurs. However, certain elements of corporate governance have a more ambiguous impact on bondholders (FitchRatings, 2004). For example, some features of governance can place greater power in the hands of shareholders (or selected subsets of shareholders) who can assert their influence to obtain preferential treatment at the expense of other stakeholders (e.g., greenmail or targeted share repurchases [Dann and DeAngelo, 1983]). Alternatively, shareholders can use their power to encourage management to undertake risky investments or engage in ownership changes that can harm bondholder interests. Taking on risky projects presents the classic conflict between bondholders and shareholders that can increase the likelihood of default, resulting in lower credit ratings. Some of the governance features we consider below (e.g., shareholder rights) have the potential for effecting wealth transfers between bondholders and shareholders. Hence, while beneficial from the shareholders perspective, certain governance features potentially can be harmful to bondholders. Or, alternatively, governance features that weaken shareholder rights may actually be viewed positively from the bondholders perspective. In sum, the governance variables introduced in the next section proxy not only for the agency Conflicts between outside stakeholders (stockholders and bondholders) and management, but also potential conflicts between bondholders and stockholders that can result in wealth transfer effects between these two stakeholder groups. The S P framework encompasses the major relevant dimensions of corporate governance and provides a useful template for evaluating firms corporate governance mechanisms and structure. The SP framework is comprised of four major components, which we now discuss along with the empirical proxies used to capture the major elements within each category. Ownership Structure and Influence Typically, corporate governance is viewed from the perspective that publicly traded firms have dispersed shareholders who demand governance to protect their residual claims. Ownership structure is an important element of corporate governance, especially when there are large block holders or significant institutional ownership in the firm. block holders or institutional investors that hold large debt or equity positions in a company are important to a well functioning governance system because they have the financial interest and independence to view firm management and policies in an unbiased way, and they have the power to put pressure on management if they observe self-serving behavior. Financial Stakeholder Rights and Relations Financial stakeholder relations reflect a companys treatment of its debt and equity stakeholders and the balance of power between these stakeholder groups and management. A key element of this dimension of corporate governance is whether the company maintains a level playing field for corporate control and whether it is open to changes in management and ownership that provide increased shareholder value. However, provisions that provide increased shareholder value do not necessarily translate into increased bondholder value as we will see. Takeover defenses and other restrictions of shareholder rights like staggered terms of directors, golden parachutes for management, supermajority voting requirements for approval of mergers and ownership changes, and limits on shareholders ability to meet and act places more power in the hands of management vis-agrave;-vis shareholders and can make it difficult to remove management. Governance mechanisms tilted in favor of management can lower over all firm value, resulting in losses to both shareholders and bondholders. However, giving greater power to shareholders to determine changes in ownership control does not necessarily always make bondholders better off (FitchRatings, 2004). Financial Transparency and Information Disclosure Transparent financial reporting is critical to reducing the information asymmetry between the firm and its capital suppliers. Sengupta (1998) conjectures that firms with more timely and informative disclosures are perceived to have a lower likelihood of withholding value-relevant unfavorable information, and, as a result, are expected to be charged a lower risk premium by creditors. Consistent with this prediction, he finds that firms with higher AIMR disclosure ratings enjoy a lower effective interest cost of issuing new debt. As AIMR disclosure ratings are no longer available, we use a marketbased proxy for financial transparency and timeliness of disclosure that we label FIN_TRANS. We using a sample of 1500 firms during the 1990s, Gompers, et al. find that taking a long position in firms with the strongest shareholder rights and a short position in firms with the weakest shareholder rights yields an average abnormal return of 8.5 percent per year. Moreover, they find that firms with stronger shareholder rights had higher firm value, higher profits, higher sales growth, lower capital expenditures, and lower corporate acquisitions suggesting that these firms largely avoided the over-investment problem that often occurs with entrenched management and weak governance (Jensen, 1993). To validate this construct, we correlate FIN_TRANS measured in earlier periods with AIMR disclosure ratings of similar periods and find the correlations to be significant in the expected direction. Describe the measurement of FIN_TRANS in detail in Section IV. In brief, FIN_TRANS is the squared residual from regressing returns on earnings allowing for separate intercepts and slopes for profit and loss firms (Gu, 2002). Earnings that better articulate with market returns are deemed to be more transparent and timely in that they better reflect the economic events that are priced by the market. A high squared residual indicates that earnings are less transparent/timely. To facilitate the interpretation of this variable, we multiply it by negative one and predict a positive relation with firms credit ratings. The reliability of financial information is due, in part, to the quality and integrity of the audit process. To proxy for the quality and integrity of the audit process, we use three measures: (1) the total fees (audit plus non-audit) charged to the client firm divided by the total revenues of the audit firm (TOTFEES); (2) %AUD_IND is the percentage of the audit committee made up of outside independent directors; and (3) a dummy variable, FIN_EXPERT coded one if the firms audit committee has at least one individual deemed to be a financial expert, and zero otherwise. Using the attributes of a financial expert set forth by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC, 2003) this variable is coded one if the audit committee has an outside independent director that is a CPA or who has experience as a chief financial officer of another company. Board Structure and Processes This component of corporate governance deals with such things as: (1) board size and composition in terms of proportion of inside, outside and affiliated directors; (2) board leadership and committee structure; (3) how competent and engaged board members are; (4) whether there are a sufficient number of outside independent directors on the board that represent the interests of all stakeholders, and how those members are distributed across the various committees; and (5) whether board members are remunerated and motivated in ways that ensure the long-term success of the company. The first three elements address the boards role and ability to provide independent oversight of management performance and hold management accountable to stakeholders for its actions. Boards often delegate oversight of key functions or decision making to standing committees-e.g., audit, compensation, nominating or governance, finance and investment. These committees, made up of subsets of board members, meet separately from the full board and generally have specific, narrowly defined functions. Finally, and more germane to bondholder interests, Bhojraj and Sengupta (2003) posit that firms with a greater proportion of outside directors on the board have stronger governance and face reduced agency risks, which should lead to superior bond ratings and lower debt yields. Consistent with this conjecture, they find that firms with a higher proportion of nonofficer directors enjoy lower bond yields and higher ratings on new bond issues.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

How Communicable Diseases Can be Broken at a Link Within...

How Can Communicable Diseases Be Broken At A Link Within The Communicable Disease Chain? The objective of this study is to answer how communicable diseases can be broken at a link within the communicable disease chain and to answer whether there are steps nurses can take to facilitate this process. This work will provide a specific example. According to a report published by John Hopkins University the major cause of deaths in emergency and post-conflict situations are those caused by outbreaks of disease. These outbreaks are reported to raise baseline death rates sixty times. ( ) The primary killers in complex emergencies over the past ten years are reported as malaria, diarrhoeal diseases, and pneumonia with TB and HIV/AIDS gaining increasing attention more recently. ( ) It is additionally reported that more than 40% of deaths during the acute emergency stage in camp situations result from diarrhoeal diseases and that 80% of these are among children less than two years of age. John Hopkins University additionally reported that it is possible to minimize disease outbreaks and deaths during natural disasters and emergencies of a complex nature through introduction of disease surveillance, epidemic preparedness, effective prevention, and control including case management. ( ) Failure to implement well coordinated response that is both timely and effective is likely to result in such as the re-emergence of old disease threats as well as outbreaks of changedShow MoreRelatedChain of Infection2021 Words   |  9 PagesHow can communicable diseases be broken at a link within the communicable disease chain? Are there steps that a nurse can take to facilitate this process? Give a specific example. Use an example that is different than the postings of other students.    There are six links in the Chain of Infection. Those areas include:   1. The infectious agent itself-   2. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Take The Gap Year Essay - 1326 Words

Take the gap year Every year there are millions of students who graduate high school and the majority will go to college. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, â€Å"Of the 3.0 million youth age 16 to 24 who graduated from high school between January and October 2015, about 2.1 million (69.2 percent) were enrolled in college in October.† (â€Å"College† par 3.) The other nine hundred thousand students will either delay college or have decided to never enter college. Taking time off between your high school graduation and the start of college, or during college, is considered a gap year. This time off can be structured, such as traveling for volunteering. On the other hand, it can be unstructured, such as leisurely activities. Some of the most prestigious colleges in the United States encourage taking a gap year, including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Cornell. â€Å"For nearly 40 years, Harvard has recommended this option, indeed proposing it in the letter of admission.† (Fitzsimmons et al. Par. 21). There are a great deal of benefits to students delaying the start of college and taking a gap year. One of those valuable benefits is the ability of gaining life experience. When taking a gap year, the student may have the ability to travel outside their normal life. Traveling gives an individual a new insight and perspective into the world. According to Bob Clagett, the director of college counseling at St. Stephen s Episcopal School, â€Å"students who veShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Gap Years Essay1220 Words   |  5 PagesThe role of gap years to earn a higher education is a controversial idea. Many people feel it is important to take on Europe s natural participation in the gap year after high school. For countless years, Europeans have practiced gap years before college to help a graduate grow. Prince William of Europe took his beneficial gap year, helping the idea to spread to America (Kelly para. 1) British influences have been leading America to a stronger future, and taking a gap year after high schoolRead MoreBenefits Of A Gap Year1498 Words   |  6 Pagesfriend who decides to take a gap year before going to college. That friend becomes exposed to many opportunities that you do not have access to. Meanwhile, you decide to not take a gap year and continue your education by attending a college or university. Although you are not exposed to the same opportunities as your friend, you are still gaining a solid education. Not to mention that you are more likely to graduate before your friend to get your career started. Taking a gap year in America is a personalRead MoreTaking a Gap Year1233 Words   |  5 Pagestoo overwhelming for them and cause them to not want to go to college right away. They plan on going to college after a year on their own trying â€Å"experience life† before starting college. People call this taking a â€Å"gap year†. Taking a gap year is a personal decision that takes commitment. People take gap years for many reasons, but they will regret their decision because gap years usually turn out bad or not the w ay the students want them to. Vacations, meeting new people, getting a job, saving moneyRead MoreA Gap In Education Essay792 Words   |  4 Pagesshould I take a year off before I go to college? Gap years are becoming a very popular option for students who want to see what life is on their own before they go off to college. Even though they can be beneficial to some students, they come with more disadvantages than advantages. High school seniors should not take gap years because they distract students, cause students to lose skills learned in high school, and cost lots of money. One major reason why people should not take gap years is becauseRead MoreThe Gap Year1052 Words   |  5 PagesThe Gap Year As a senior in high school did you ever stress about your future? Making plans for college? A way to relieve stress could be to take a gap year. The life of the average senior consist of planning for college, by taking a year off you can manage and make money, relieve some stress and it gives you the opportunity to travel before settling down before college. This is not uncommon to a lot of senior graduates. They see it as a way to relax and mentally prepare themselves for the futureRead MoreEssay On Gap Year904 Words   |  4 PagesEnglish II Honors- 3A 08 May 2017 â€Å"Gap Year: Yes or No?† It’s your last year of high school, the year to sit back and relax. After 12 years of hard work, your senior year should be the easiest and least stressing year. Turns out, senior year can be one of the most stressful years, this is the year when you plan out your future! That s why every decision matters. Therefore, students should take a year off before entering college. They are many benefits to taking a gap year. It recharges your academic batteryRead MoreThe Benefits of a Gap Year Essay1208 Words   |  5 PagesTaking a â€Å"gap year† off between high school and university has become a popular alternative among many adolescents. A â€Å"gap year† is a period of time, usually an academic year, when a student takes a break from formal education and routine (â€Å"Gap Year.†). This time off provides a break after many years of formal study and is often spent travelling or working. In the past, taking a gap year resulted in problematic return into educa tion. Today, however, they are generally seen as positive and are supportedRead MoreThe Gap Year Essay928 Words   |  4 PagesThe Gap Year The â€Å"gap year† has been a common rite of passage in many foreign countries for decades, but it has now started to gain significant steam here in America as told by Danielle Wood, a parent from Today’s Parenting. This leads to many questions that parents and students want answered, such as: â€Å"Is the â€Å"gap year† a good or bad consideration?† â€Å"Will this decision put me behind?† â€Å"Does this stop me from ever going to college?† â€Å"Will I ever get my college degree?† All of theseRead MoreGac Compare and Contrast Essay1445 Words   |  6 Pages 15th April 2013 Word Count: 1041 Question: Compare and Contrast attitudes toward students taking a gap year in your country and in U.K. Use specific examples and provide appropriate evidence to explain your answer. To take a gap year or not to take a gap year? Now, this question has gained more attention than it used to be. A gap year is a period of time in which students disengage from curricular education and undertake activities such as traveling, volunteeringRead MoreEssay on Gap Year vs Going Straight to College622 Words   |  3 PagesTaking a gap year might be a personal consideration but in the end, is it really worth it? A gap year is when students take a year off after high school and dont go straight to college. During the gap year, people usually travel, works, or do something to promote their time off from education. Not many people consider taking a gap year no matter how effective it might be. A gap year allows one to be independent. It allows people to learn about themselves and what they want to do in their life. Gap year

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Afghan Contract Activity Procurement Process

Question: Discuss about theAfghan Contract Activity for Procurement Process. Answer: Issue in Procurement Process The specific failure that accounts in the Afghan Contract procurement process is due to misleading of the speculative business; as the Afghan Contract was not able to compile the resources and legal actions and made fraudulent representations of the shipments of Illegal Chinese Ammunitions while making false invoices deliveries to the bidders (Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, 2008). Moreover, the low quality ammunitions seem to be a common phenomenon, which made Afghan Contract as a failure in execution and oversight. On the other hand, these actions lead to a major change when criminal charges were imposed due to the disruption in procurement activities (Lawson 2011). Conversely, according to the Committee investigation, the contract has not only been suspected of illegal trafficking but also has made illegal false statements and claims to the Army. Moreover, these claims have been specifically on the false invoices for ammunition that have not been delivered because they were concealed (Kramer 2012). As a result, there has high rate of rejection of orders, failures and returns and complaints from the bidders (Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, 2008). Possible Solutions On the other hand, the Afghan contract need to deal with its ethical environment maintenance. Moreover, it is important that it follows and maintains control procedures with proper audit and review of the security proceedings. The solution can also be effectively solved by providing proper contract as well as tender documentation based specifications. Moreover, the regulation of mandatory requirements can be delivered by establishing baseline with adequate training and performance management (Aung 2013). References Aung, K. (2013).Checklist for the potential risks in procurement process. Available at: [Accessed 9 Sep. 2016]. Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. (2008).The AEY Investigation. Available at: [Accessed 9 Sep. 2016]. Kramer, M. (2012).The Most Common Procurement Fraud Schemes and their Primary Red Flags | International Anti Corruption Resource Center. Available at: [Accessed 9 Sep. 2016]. Lawson, G. (2011).'War Dogs' True Story: How Two U.S. Kids Became Arms Dealers - Rolling Stone. Available at: [Accessed 9 Sep. 2016].